Most youngsters do drugs to escape reality and for instan t gratification. Despite innumerable measures to nip substance abuse in the bud, success is elusive . Appearances are deceptive for, not all victims of drug abuse look the part — they rarely don the dazed, lost countenance of one in the vice-like grip of drugs. Nor do they stomp around in desperate, frenzied rage, even if temporarily denied their dose of ecstasy. Reality ‘un’ check? Consuming drugs to satisfy one’s immediate needs, and eluding reality that has become too terrible to handle, has become a common trend. “This stems from youngsters’ need for instant gratification. The practice of persevering for a goal seems incredulous to them, and they seek refuge in drugs,” Most youngsters who consume drugs — especially in the case of LSD — ingest small doses, a process called ‘microdosing’. They fallaciously assume that due to the almost negligible quantity, they will not experience any adverse effects, he cont